Kentucky Oaks Day by Daily Gallop Handicappers

John Piassek

3- Queen of Beas
4- Break Even
7- Lyrical Lady

Mike McEntire

3- Queen of Beas

4- Break Even

9-Mother Mother

Spencer Luginbuhl

4- Break Even

3- Queen Of Beas

9- Mother Mother

Hudson Davis

7- Lyrical Lady

9- Mother Mother

4- Break Even

CONSENSUS: 5 points for first 3 for second 1 for third

Queen of Beas 13

Break Even 12

Lyrical Lady 6


John Piassek

1- Newspaperofrecord
2- Cambier Parc
4- Fortunate Girl

Mike McEntire

1- Newspaperofrecord

5- Concrete Rose’

2-Cambier Parc

Spencer Luginbuhl

1- Newspaperofrecord

2- Cambier Parc

5- Concrete Rose

Hudson Davis

1- NewspaperofRecord

2- Cambier Parc

5-Concrete Rose


BEST BET Newspaperofrecord 20

Cambier Parc 10

Concrete Rose 5


John Piassek
8- Seeking the Soul
6- Instilled Regard
1- McKinzie

Mike mcEntire

8- Seeking the Soul


2- Tom’s d’Etat

Spencer Luginbuhl

11- Copper Bullet

1- McKinzie

8- Seeking The Soul

Hudson Davis

4- Prime Attraction

1- McKenzie

9- Multiplier


John Piassek
2- Blue Prize
9- Secret Spice
5- Mopotism

Mike McEntire

2- Blue Prize

7- Teresa Z

9- Secret Spice

Spencer Luginbuhl

1- She’s A Julie

9- Secret Spice

3- Devine Miss Grey

Hudson Davis

9-Secret Spice

5- Mopatism

2- Blue Prize


John Piassek
1- Bound for Nowhere
8- Undrafted
5- Chaos Theory

Mike McEntire

6- World of Trouble

7- Angostan

9- Undrafted

Spencer Luginbuhl

6- World of Trouble

1- Bound for Nowhere

9- Will Call

Hudson Davis

1- Bound for Nowhere

9- Will call

8- Undrafted


John Piassek
4- Bellafina
14- Restless Rider
13- Serengeti Empress

Mike McEntire

3- Lady Apple

14- Restless Rider

4- Bellafina

Spencer Luginbuhl

7- Jaywalk

1- Out for a Spin

4 Bellafina

Hudson Davis

11- Jeltrin

4- Bellafina

1-Out for a Spin

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