Aqueduct Racing Analysis- Wednesday Nov 28, 2018- By David Pyrz

Race 1) 2-7-3
#2 Tammany Giant has some sneaky speed and could wire the field at a decent price. # 7 Bourbon N Rye
is dropping in from MSW and that might do the trick. # 3 OurAmericanStar is 0-27 yet is still a legit win
candidate in this race.
Race 2) 1-6-7
#1 Woundwithhereyes is a live longshot. Needs to wake but if she does she can win. Why not against
this bad group. # 6 AreWeHavingFunYet is 3 rd off and will get a nice pace to run into. # 7 Expressly speed
drawn on the outside and could be very dangerous.
Race 3) 6
#6 Brass Ring is a single in a horrible race. She is faster than these and cant endorse anyone else.
Race 4) Turf 7-6-10 Dirt: 10-1
I don’t know if this will be run on turf or dirt.
Race 5) 3-2
# 3 Kenyan is a closer who is win shy but hits the board often. Today barring scratches there is a lot of
speed in the race that could set up his late kick to get him in the winner’s circle. # 2 Zap Zap Zap will be
sent by Ortiz and can win this.
Race 6) Turf: 3-7-10-8-1 Dirt: 4-1a-11-12
Another scheduled for Turf.
Race 7) 5-1
# 5 Mo Flash is 3 rd off and likes Aqueduct and should win. # 1 Gypsy Janie has a trainer who win’s at 32%
calim repeater. Repeat of last race and same conditions could win this race.
Race 8) 8-3
# 8 Own Agenda is owned by Juddmonte and surprisingly shows up in NY for this race. Up and comer
could be really good and win at a nice price or maybe hes not that good and that’s why he is NY in the
winter. Will find out today. # 3 Snap Decision is 3 rd off and can for sure win this race with the right trip.
Race 9) 7-6-1
# 7 Professor Shape likes Aqueduct and Trainer wins at a 44% clip when dropping 2 classes. # 6
Toohottoevenspeak has been running often as of late and should have a pace to run into. Maybe today
is the day for a win. # 1 Bug Guy Ian is always a danger with speed to win wire to wire.


Good Luck to all

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